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Making a Board Game

Wanted to update my blog with what I've been up to recently. I made a board game and have been working on that full time for the past 3 or so months. The name is still WIP but it's tentatively set as "Our Modern Lives." It's a tile/card based map-building game. The goal is to achieve "Success" and "Happiness" before anyone else can by building your own route. Here are a few pictures of the current build (v1.20 Beta): On a side note, follow me on Instagram for more (semi-frequent) updates!
Recent posts

Unity Game Developer

Been a long time since I've tends to do this thing of getting in the way, haha. Anyways, I've been recently taking a Unity game developer class . Here are some GIFs of what I've been learning-- Day 1 - Learning to move a ball with arrow keys Day 2 - Using sprites and learning about physics Day 3 - Flappy Bird clone complete! Day 4 - Learning how to make a top down space shooter Day 5 - Adding meteors Day 6 - Using mouse to turn Day 7 - Shooting nukes and adding menus Day 8 - 3D Terrain building and character controllers Day 9 - Playing with built-in 3D models Day 10 - Learning about animations and 3D physics Day 11 - Starting my final project (4orner 3D) On a side note, if you notice, that last GIF is a 3D version of my hit  game from 2 years ago-- 4orner !

Happy (Late) 2016!

Looking back, I've had a blast ever since I moved back to NYC. I have a few posts that I've been meaning to write but never got around to doing. So instead, I'm going to post a personal update. I recently moved to Williamsburg in Brooklyn. While it was nice being home with my parents, it also feels pretty good to leave the nest and be independent again. My apartment 2015 was a good year. I've written 43 blog entries compared to the 12 from 2014. That's a significant improvement and I can consider my first new year's resolution to be complete. And my second resolution was completed when I created 4orner . This year, I have some equally big goals and aspirations. My mental state is better than ever before and I truly feel like I have come 180° since a year ago .  Below are my goals in no particular order: Work out three times a week Yoga at least two times a week Cook Blue Apron three times a week Code every day ( non-zero style) Throw a

Moved to NY

@Xcellion So sad your blog is dead again... :D — Jeffrey Shiau (@jeffreyshiau) August 25, 2015 Here's a personal post since I haven't done one in a while. I moved back home. Brooklyn Bridge On a side note, I've been so lazy with all of my personal side projects.

New Unity Game Project

I wanted to update a bit on the game development front as I haven't posted anything regarding that in a while. I recently just finished my second foray into learning Unity  having finished their 2D Roguelike tutorial . Definitely a lot easier for me to understand having tinkered with Unity3D and having developed 4orner . So I am trying to create another game using Unity as my technology of choice. Nothing as strict as my thirty day challenge as last time, but I plan on utilizing some of the mistakes and lessons learned from my previous experiences. Here are the two simple goals to my endeavor: Create a mobile game with Unity Publish to Google Play and iOS App Store As far as what kind of game I want to create, the pictures below are the initial whiteboard mock-ups I quickly put together. What the game will look like (hopefully) How the game will play (possibly) On a site note, I wonder what I should name it?

Show Review - Battle of Changsha (战长沙)

Title of Show: Battle of Changsha (战长沙) # of Episodes: 32 Length: ~40 min per episode Recommended: No Tear Rating: 3 Favorite Songs: 我会记得你 Spoiler alert. Do not continue reading if you don't want the show to be spoiled. For some reason, I find it really difficult to relate to Chinese dramas. I find some of the characters in this show to be incredibly frustrating and it made the show really difficult to sit through. Had my goal not been to learn the language but rather watch and enjoyable show, I probably would've stopped watching a long time ago. Unfortunately, despite sunk costs, I still struggled through all the way to the end. I hated almost every character in the beginning that wasn't the son-in-law (姐夫). He was the only one who actually did practical things for the sake of the family and despite his "shady" dealings in the black market or ethically questionable businesses, he was the one character who I felt was actively doing something good. Eve